Dan Boyd was born into a Catholic family with parents who practiced the faith joyfully and gave their children many opportunities to do the same. In high school, Dan attended a Eucharistic centered retreat and came to know Jesus as a person who loved him and whom he could love in return. He knew then that he wanted to spend the rest of his life sharing the Gospel with others.
Dan’s desire to evangelize led him to a degree in Spanish, a master’s in theology from Boston College, and a doctorate in education from the University of Central Florida. He loves integrating research-based learning science and education principles into evangelization and ministry leadership. He has worked in public and private education, campus and youth ministry, marriage preparation, catechesis, and diocesan leadership.
To address a critical need in the formation of ministry leaders, Dan co-authored Go! Make Disciples and co-hosts a podcast, Being and Making Disciples. Both the book and the podcast were created to help ministry leaders focus on the core mission of evangelization. The goal is for missionary discipleship to become the standard practice for all Catholics so that we can fulfill the final command of Jesus in Matthew 28, to “Go, make disciples…”
Raising a holy family is Dan’s primary interest and he has been joyfully married to his wife Regina for over 11 years. Together, they have one young child who has been the source of more joy and happiness than they ever expected. In his free time, Dan enjoys learning new languages, producing audio and video content for his wife’s Catholic mental health counseling practice, and above all spending time with his family.
Go! Make Disciples is available for purchase on Amazon and you can listen to Being and Making Disciples on all major podcast platforms and follow along on Facebook, @beingandmakingdisciples. Dan can be reached on Instagram, @dboyd85.