2023 Cohort

Michael Yiin


I am committed to fostering the growth of Laudato Si communities both within the Church and in the workplace. I recognize the urgent need to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices in all aspects of life. I will actively encourage and support the formation of Laudato Si groups, engaging individuals to deepen their understanding of ecological responsibility and care for our common home. In the workplace, I will champion sustainability initiatives, promote green practices, and encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly policies. By nurturing these communities, we can inspire collective action, raise awareness, and create a more sustainable and harmonious [...]

Michael Yiin2023-06-28T18:12:44+00:00

Valentine Wangechi


The Tepeyac leadership has taken me on a personal journey. It has shed light into areas in my life I need to work on, growing in faith, and shown me how to I impact others in the community. My Leadership commitment in the near future is to continue to grow in faith, sharing knowledge with the children ministry in my local church. My long-term goal is to start a nonprofit organization and community with other Christians, to grow together in a place for rest, to educate each other, progress and integrate with the community.

Valentine Wangechi2023-06-28T18:11:25+00:00

Stephen Voehl


I commit to embracing my vocation as priest, prophet, and king alongside my wife and family, delving deeper into its essence. Safeguarding my loved ones from evil and leading our domestic worship. I will emulate Christ by being both priest and sacrifice, prioritizing service over self. As a prophet, I will set an example through repentance and regular confession. As a king, I will govern my emotions, providing my wife and children with unwavering support and stability. Embracing this calling, I will continuously seek healing in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Mary's Immaculate Heart. My aim is [...]

Stephen Voehl2023-06-28T18:09:52+00:00

Emmanuel Villalpando


As a graduate of TLI, I am very grateful to have been a part of the 2023 TLI cohort, getting to know our instructors, and much more. I have enjoyed the zoom coffees and getting to know other like-minded Catholic individuals which were it not by TLI I would have never had the chance to meet. I am proud to be becoming a graduate of TLI, since to me being active and knowing all there is to know about my faith is important. I commit to use the skills that I have learned. Thank you TLI!

Emmanuel Villalpando2023-06-28T18:09:07+00:00

Angel Vega


My leadership commitment is to be a leader within my family by providing financially and spiritually for them, forwarding my career while staying present and involved in the family. I will obtain training to climb up the ladder to have my ideas heard. I will identify and embrace opportunities within the Church and community by actively joining a board or committee and becoming involved in accessible Catholic Social Work organizations. Last, I will build support for those in Social Services and foster an environment where dialogue and reason in-line with our Faith is allowed and encouraged.

Angel Vega2023-06-28T18:08:08+00:00

Andrew J. Triplett


As a graduate of TLI, my commitment will be to apply what I have learned from the speakers of our program to my work as an attorney, emphasizing the promotion of human dignity and the common good. I will continue and expand my involvement with my local parish, my local Knights of Columbus chapter, as well as grow in connection with the St. Thomas More Society.

Andrew J. Triplett2023-06-28T18:06:29+00:00

Michael Towle


At the heart of Christian leadership lies the habit of selfless service to others. Great leaders throughout history have triumphed in myriad ways, but those most inspiring have done so with gratitude. TLI consistently highlights areas of faith and culture where Christian leadership is in dire need. I am committed to leadership in my local community through service, fidelity to the tenants of the faith, and gratitude for God’s grace to accomplish great things. I will joyfully bear witness to Christ in the little things and lead by example. Lord, not my will, but your will be done!

Michael Towle2023-06-28T18:05:45+00:00

Cathy Thompson


TLI has ignited the fire in me to move forward with clarity. My coaching mission is to be an antidote to the chaos in this confused world. I will empower my clients to realize their God-given potential, by understanding their uniqueness and ultimate purpose as a child of God, while enabling them to recognize that true peace, joy, and fulfilment only reside in God’s will. May mine be the hands and feet with which He blesses, loves, and heals the world one person at a time. I entrust my mission into the most pure hands of Our Blessed Mother, Mary.

Cathy Thompson2023-06-28T17:53:15+00:00

Igor Telepcak


“Holy Father, keep them true to thy name, thy gift to me, that they may be one, as we are one.” John 17,11. Inspired by the apparition of Holy Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe to Saint Juan Diego and the TLI Catholic laity leadership vision I will strive to promote works of unity among faithful across their respective national, cultural, professional, or individual backgrounds and to contribute to strengthening the Church unity from both inside and outside so that there may truly be one Church and one Shepherd.

Igor Telepcak2023-06-28T17:52:25+00:00

Jennifer Teeters


I am so grateful for the gift of TLI and to have been challenged by the discipline of participating fully in the program, as well as facing topics I would usually shy away from. I find peace in my life by surrendering to Jesus and trying not to worry or be anxious about things of this world. TLI has challenged me to go beyond my comfort zone of service to my parish and to Catholic in Recovery, and to share my leadership in the Edgefield County Chamber of Commerce in South Carolina. As Pope Francis has stated, “You can’t change politics [...]

Jennifer Teeters2023-06-28T17:50:59+00:00
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