Leadership Commitments

Matt Hayes


The Holy Spirit has been very generous to the diocese of Nashville throughout the last few decades. We find ourselves incredibly blessed with a good bishop, strong priests as well as growth and vigor within the laity. My leadership commitment will be a response to these gifts and talents we’ve been entrusted with.  First, I recommit to my wife and family as my top priority. Second, I will work to strengthen and grow ecclesial and human development initiatives throughout the diocese with specific focus on Leadership Catholic.

Matt Hayes2023-06-28T16:33:50+00:00

Belem Gonzalez Gallaga


TLI was a blessing and I feel so grateful to this great family because I had the opportunity to grow spiritually and learn from the experiences and wisdom that other lay Catholic professionals. My leadership commitment is to apply everything I have learned in my digital evangelization project called "Gracia y Virtud", continuing with the mission of sharing the Word of God and His fatherly love through art and creativity. I will search every day for inspiration from the Holy Spirit to create music, videos, animations, and more, so that His Love and His message can touch those hearts that still [...]

Belem Gonzalez Gallaga2023-06-27T22:59:53+00:00

Dorothy Godines


One thing that I feel is lacking in today’s church is an understanding of mental health and God’s plan for it in our lives. My leadership commitment is to begin a non-profit organization that will bring awareness of mental health within the church. This organization will allow for Catholics to gain a deeper understanding of how our mental health issues can be redeemed and lead us to flourishing. One of the programs I will cultivate is a scholarship fund to help Catholic missionaries receive mental health support, such as therapy and psychiatric services, while they serve those around them. Another aspect [...]

Dorothy Godines2023-06-27T22:57:02+00:00

Rafania El Daccache


“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 My commitment is to witness to the Resurrection of Jesus through my everyday life and through the example I set to others. I commit to transmit all that I gained through my profession. As a learning and development manager, I commit to volunteer in youth groups and parishes to transfer the knowledge I received. In [...]

Rafania El Daccache2023-06-27T22:50:46+00:00

Matthew Doeing


For my Tepeyac Leadership Initiative leadership-commitment, I would like to develop and write one article a month, for a year, for a Substack or a similar online writing platform. The idea will be to write articles that reflect God’s Truth, as well as the mercy of God, while honoring Catholic teaching.  Theology may also be explored, as well as articles that in some way touch upon modern culture or modern societal issues.

Matthew Doeing2023-06-27T22:47:13+00:00

Mark Dobeck


The TLI program is tremendously enlightening and inspirational. I better understand that being Catholic is an action-based, totally integrated way of life, manifest through God’s plan. I will accept challenges as opportunities to apply Catholic doctrine as an active participant, not a spectator. I will use the gifts, education, experience, and skills endowed by God to teach, lecture, write, and/or conduct research for a Catholic educational institution. It’s an open offer. I will exemplify being Catholic in union with the living word. I recognize the power of prayer and will pray every day. I am a man of God and man for [...]

Mark Dobeck2023-06-27T22:45:43+00:00

Sarah Dao-Bai


I commit to continue pursuing Business as a Vocation. With the help of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I commit to helping form the next generations of virtuous business professionals and leaders. I desire to use my coaching skills, business experience, and pastoral ministry training to assist those feeling lost, uplift the discouraged, and empower others to cast an exciting vision for their future. Finally, I commit to paying it forward by teaching, mentoring, and helping others in need of practical assistance or guidance.

Sarah Dao-Bai2023-06-27T22:40:49+00:00

Delphine Chui


TLI was the formation and fellowship I needed, especially after spending my 20s as a mainstream magazine journalist. Having experienced cancel culture at the hands of the secular media industry for my pro-life views, I was tempted to be a quiet Catholic. I lost work, friends, and confidence. But everything God stripped from my life; He continues to give back tenfold. I am now a content creator, a Catholic speaker and work for a Christian organization that advocates for God’s truths to flourish. My leadership commitment is to share my testimony to help encourage a bold – rather than quiet –Body of Christ.

Delphine Chui2023-06-27T22:38:03+00:00

Mario Cerda


First, I would like to thank the TLI team, especially Cristofer, who never gave up on me. The TLI programme has been an incredible experience of finding Jesus in my fellow brothers around the world, who share the same love and passion for God. As a Catholic professional, I commit to serve with humility and love. I will lead by example. I will never put material interest over a person’s dignity. Moreover, I will use my position as leader to help others develop their own beings into divine greatness.

Mario Cerda2023-06-27T22:36:01+00:00

Renee Carmine-Jones


Mother Teresa said, “If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” I thank God for TLI initiatives through which my responsibility to peaceful prayer was magnified, so Jesus, not “I”, can bring the Catechism to my family and neighbor. With humility, patience, discipline, it is my time to slow down, listen, love and be loved by Jesus. It will take all I have to commit to trusting in Jesus, being fully present for my family, peaceful, loving in each moment, avoiding the shiny distractions of false charity of my “world saver” ego drama. TLI leaders, past & [...]

Renee Carmine-Jones2023-06-27T22:32:58+00:00
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