Leadership Commitments

Monica Kauzeni


My leadership commitment is to dedicate myself to my role as a trustee at Ursuline Links, a charity founded by the Ursuline Sisters in the UK to connect Ursuline Catholic Girls' High Schools globally for social justice projects and mission work. I will volunteer at a day camp project with children this summer and will continue to visit Ursuline High Schools and share with students how they can live out their Catholic faith boldly. I wish to encourage young women to follow their vocation and set the world on fire. TLI has transformed my life and equipped me with the tools [...]

Monica Kauzeni2022-07-06T21:29:18+00:00

Miguel Castillo


My commitment is to launch an initiative within the next 6 to 12 months for laymen, to commit to one Holy Hour per week. We need to reclaim our place in creation as leaders and protectors, “to serve and to guard” (Gen 2:15), beginning with prayer. This Holy Hour is to include prayer for Holy Mother Church and for holy vocations to the priesthood, for families (including our own) and for ourselves as men, that we may be holy, chaste and come to know and act in accordance with God’s will, according to our state in life.  

Miguel Castillo2022-07-06T21:27:32+00:00

Michael Newhouse


I will invest time to develop my non-profit founded in 2021 to build a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe in Houston to evangelize millions. I will develop a brand/marketing plan, materials, video, and a plan to approach angel investor donors. Ad Jesum per Mariam!  

Michael Newhouse2022-07-06T21:26:34+00:00

Matthew Baumel


Having lived overseas in different countries and now living in Mexico, I have seen how important it is to support local international communities. Many countries do not have the resources the US has and count on services and financial donations from those that can help. I commit to help fundraise for a local orphanage in Mexico and spearhead a program to help educate kids in both English and computer literacy, which are skills that will be paramount to their futures.  

Matthew Baumel2022-07-06T21:25:52+00:00

Maritza Perrault


I want to preserve Catholic culture for women and girls in our church. My plan is to compile a quarterly magazine for Catholic schools. I hope to recruit team members with future cohorts and current TLI leaders who I believe would really add a special touch and presence to the magazine project that I have in mind. I want this to undo the effects of trashy magazines and other unsuitable reading material that many women and young girls have grown up with. This idea of transforming minds for women and families throughout the Catholic Church elates me and fills me up [...]

Maritza Perrault2022-07-06T21:24:43+00:00

Mario Benitez


TLI has been an immense blessing in my life; I have been able to discern my place in society and how I can try to be light in a secular world in need of Christ. My leadership commitment will revolve around my academic goals. I was able to get into a prestigious fellowship at my university which helps students develop into strong Ph.D. candidates for academia. By the grace of God, I hope to be able to pursue teaching or academic counseling and bring my Catholic leadership with me, with the hopes of proactively being involved in committees at these possible [...]

Mario Benitez2022-07-06T21:24:16+00:00

Mariana Medina


My leadership commitment is to continue to be open to the will of God. Continuing to serve with gratitude as a parish council member, cherishing my catholic principles as a city board member. Speak life with my testimony; continuing to educate and serve all families, while I also love and care for my own marriage vocation and family ministry. My commitment is to seek opportunities for my spiritual and academic growth, and to work on my educational goals to strengthen my professional career in psychology and human rights. I will compassionately, protect the most vulnerable and advocate with diligence for social [...]

Mariana Medina2022-07-06T21:23:49+00:00

Luis Fernando Calvo


I commit myself, because of the generous training program offered by Tepeyac Leadership, to return to my home country, Costa Rica, and contribute to the creation of a true catholic culture by providing the much-needed training, through the appropriate institutional setting, to catholic laymen that are ready to influence the discussion and take the country to better grounds. Also, I will actively participate, God willingly, in Higher Education due to the postgraduate training that I am about to finalize. Last, I commit to assist, according to my possibilities, the formation of a new political party in my home country.  

Luis Fernando Calvo2022-07-06T21:23:27+00:00

Lourdes Llata


My leadership commitment is to practice my catholic faith by the practice and vote of faith. Also, to be an exemplary leader of devotion, giving priority importance to the Rosary. TLI enlightens the path to follow without fear or doubt to promote my admiration to Maria. I have no fear to continue devotion developing a prayer group to promote the love to Maria, Mother of Christ, the example of a woman. By praying the Rosary, I will bring peace to the sick and needy by following the virtues of Mary and her faith. I will promote a campaign trail of Rosary [...]

Lourdes Llata2022-07-06T21:23:02+00:00

Lorenzo Badiola


In order to combat the culture of death in public schools, I will start a Catholic club at my local high school: Vista Grande High School, which I am an alumnus of. In this Catholic Club, we will study the Bible and the best of what Catholic Theology has to offer as well as pray the breviary and encourage regular attendance of Confession and Mass, so that all may be equipped to fight the culture of death prevalent today.  

Lorenzo Badiola2022-07-06T21:22:38+00:00
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