Annual Rosary Night

January 28, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm MST

Let us come together and pray for the next generation of #TepeyacLeaders!
Join other TLI alumni to pray the rosary for the 2022 TLI cohort.

Annual Alumni Retreat (Second Saturday in May)

May 14, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0

You asked for it. Now it is here. Join TLI’s first Annual Alumni RetreatThis will be an opportunity to reconnect with Tepeyac Leaders from all generations of the program. Rekindle your passion for the mission of the Church and recommit to your own mission as a Catholic leader in civil society. We will gather in Phoenix, Arizona for a day of professional development and spiritual growth.

The retreat will be at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 400 E. Monroe St. Phoenix, AZ 85004. It will be led by Dr. Ryan Hanning. Learn more about Dr. Hanning here The content for the retreat will be based on Dr. Hanning’s book The WillPower Advantage:

“Christians, as well as all men and women, are called to holiness and happiness, but everyone struggles to take the practical steps necessary to overcome the vices that rob us of our peace and steal our joy. The WillPower Advantage shows that we need to renew our minds with the truth about ourselves in order to develop the good habits we need to handle the challenges we face. We are not called to be passive; we are called to use our will and our strength to receive God’s grace and transform the world, beginning with ourselves.

The WillPower Advantage helps people to build the virtues they need by providing practical wisdom from ancient and contemporary sources. The book includes a Spiritual Audit, which identifies a person’s temperament along with its strengths and weaknesses. The virtues each temperament needs to work on are then presented systematically with practical tips for strengthening them.”

This event is for graduates of Tepeyac Leadership Initiative only. We invite you to sign up ASAP. We look forward to seeing all of you there!

The Miracle of Tepeyac

December 3, 2022 @ 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST

Join us for a night of love, faith and hope, as we fundraise for the work of Tepeyac Leadership. Celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe by being delighted at the recounting of the apparitions of the Mother of God in Mexico City. Learn about the details and the series of miracles that led the conversion of millions of people in the American continent to our Catholic faith.
Narrator: Fr. Eduardo Montemayor, SOLT
The pastor at San Pedro Roman Catholic Church in San Pedro, Belize, Fr. Eduardo Montemayor is the former associate director of Evangelization and Hispanic Ministries for the Archdiocese of Detroit. He is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). Fr. Eduardo has visited the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe numerous times. The apparition of the Virgin Mary in Mexico City is one of his specialties. He is a bilingual and truly bicultural priests, with a great passion and devotion for Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Join us LIVE through Facebook!

Virtual Open House

October 5, 2023 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm CEST

There’s no better way to learn about Tepeyac Leadership Initiative than its upcoming Virtual Open House! Meet your future instructors, recent alumni, mentors and other Catholic professionals. This will be a fun, informative, and high energy evening!
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