Antonio Felix is a South-Central Los Angeles native and long-time advocate for Catholic schools in Los Angeles’ inner-city. Antonio currently serves as the Director of the Loyola Marymount University (LMU) School of Education PLACE (Partners in Los Angeles Catholic Education) Corps – a nationally recognized Catholic teacher service program housed within LMU’s Center for Catholic Education. Antonio oversees the PLACE Corps’ mission to place novice teachers in primarily under-resourced schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Diocese of Orange and Diocese of San Bernardino through the program’s three pillars – professional development, community living, and spiritual growth. Antonio is also the Director of CAST (Catholic Archdiocesan School Teachers) – a Master of Arts and preliminary teaching credential program designed for full-time Catholic school educators.
Prior to joining LMU, Antonio served Nativity Catholic School, in many capacities – first as a junior high math and science teacher, later as the director of marketing and development and eventually as principal. In addition to his responsibilities at Nativity Catholic School, Antonio served on the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Elementary School Leadership Council as the Deanery 16 Chairperson and as a Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA) Visiting Committee Member and WCEA Visiting Team Chairperson.
Antonio earned his master’s degree in Elementary Education along with a California Teaching Credential from LMU and was awarded the LMU School of Education Bilingual Educator Outstanding Graduate Award. Antonio returned to LMU and earned a second master’s degree in Catholic School Administration and a California Administrative Services Credential. Antonio is currently a pursuing a doctorate in Educational Leadership for Social Justice at LMU.
Antonio serves on the board of directors for the Catholic Schools Collaborative (CSC), The Association of Catholic Student Councils (TACSC) and the Success Through Education Program, Inc. (STEP). He also serves on the Educational Resource Committee at Loyola High School.