Denise M. Barajas is an entrepreneur helping her clients set up and improve their business systems while creating strategies to improve their daily work lives. She is contributing her skills as the Program Manager for TLI. Working hard on all of the internal systems so all of the TLI participants have a seamless experience.
Recently, Denise became the VP of Operations for a new tech company called CartAgent. She is implementing her business sense, as well as consistency and integrity to create internal systems and processes. She is helping create and foster a place of service and virtuous leadership in the tech/business world.
After graduating from Franciscan University of Steubenville with a degree in International Business and Theology she moved to DC for work. While there, she got involved with a group called C.L.L.I (Catholic Latino Leadership Initiative). This group sparked her love for integrating how to live your life as a faithful Catholic and a professional. Moving back to Los Angeles she found and joined C.A.L.L. (Catholic Association of Latino Leaders) which led her to TLI and is now joyfully a TLI alumnus. She has a passion for integrating faith and the professional life.
With a love for service and leading others closer to Christ she has served at her local parish with their Life Teen youth program, speaking on retreats, served for two years as a N.E.T. (National Evangelization Team) Missionary, led a team on a mission trip to Ireland doing youth ministry by day and bar ministry by night (yes it was real ministry work), and served as a pilgrim guide at World Youth Day in both Poland and Panama.