Any Catholic physician who is breathing and conscious in America knows well the pressure to comply with viewpoints and practices on sexuality and gender that violate Catholic faith and conscience. But as rapidly as professional pressure escalates, scientific support for such perspectives continues to crumble. Assumptions that same-sex sexuality or transgender identity is inborn, unchangeable, and invariably normal are not holding up, suggesting psychiatric treatment for underlying causes may reasonably be expected to lead to decrease or change in these experiences as a by-product of therapy for some individuals.
After more than 40 years of providing psychological services, Dr. Haynes has retired from clinical practice as of June 1, 2018. However, she now devotes more time to speaking and writing about same sex attraction and discordant gender-sex identity change. Her writing has been read internationally.
- Ph.D.: Rosemead School of Psychology, La Mirada, CA
- M.A.: Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA
- M.A.: Rosemead School of Psychology, La Mirada, CA
- M.A.: Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX
- Chair, Research and Legislative Policy, National Task Force for Therapy Equality (therapyequality.org)
- Research Committee, National Task Force for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity (therapeuticchoice.com)
- General Board Member, International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice, Country Representative for the USA. (iftcc.org)
- Consultant, American College of Pediatricians
- Former President: Christian Association for Psychological Studies—Western Region (western USA and western Canada)
- Lifetime Member: American Psychological Association, Member, California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists