Jess Echeverry is a women and family advocate and speaker. She has survived parental divorce and alcoholism, as well as emotional, physical and sexual abuse. Her testimony includes dark times of physical and sexual violence, teenage pregnancy, years of on and off homelessness, abortion, same sex attraction and two attempts at suicide. In 1997 she met the man she would eventually marry; this man would help her create an environment of authentic love that enabled her healing journey, her relationship with Jesus Christ and her eventual forgiveness and love for her attackers. She converted to Catholicism in 2008.
Her husband Charlie is a Permanent Deacon for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Together Deacon Charlie & Jess have 5 children: 2 teenage boys still at home, 2 young adults out in the world, 1 lovely soul in Heaven and 2 English Bulldogs. Jess is the founder and Executive Director of SOFESA, a 501c (3) non-profit ministry that has been serving Southern California homeless and low-income children and their families since 1999.
Jess has previously appeared on multiple episodes of EWTN’s The Catholic View for Women, has been interviewed by Spirit Radio’s Morning Show host Jen Brown, Guadalupe Radio’s Morning Glory host Gloria Purvis and Incorrupto Radio. She has had the opportunity to share her testimony in various events throughout the country including the walk for life in Los Angeles, OneLifeLA, and has also been featured in podcasts including Catholic Answers Focus podcast with then host, Patrick Coffin, Mamas in Spirit with Lindy Wynne and Vida Initiatives with Astrid Gutierrez.
Inspired by the good things God has wrought in her life, she has recently completed her first book titled “Dazzled” detailing her life experiences in a way that lifts up and enlightens others who are searching for ways to heal. She is a strong and effective speaker who has been able to, with the help of God’s grace, turn those past experiences, and all the healing that she has received along the way, into real, loving help for others.