A cradle Catholic and native of Wisconsin, Steve Greene is Director of Kino Catechetical Institute for the Diocese of Phoenix, and co-host, with his wife, Becky, of The Catholic Conversation radio show, podcasted on iTunes and SoundCloud, and heard weekly on Relevant Radio in Phoenix.
He is a 1996 graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville with a degree in English Literature, and a minor in history. In 2002, as a seminarian for the Diocese of Phoenix, he earned a Master’s degree in Catholic Thought and Life from St. Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana.
Upon returning to Phoenix, Steve was on the founding faculty of Notre Dame College Preparatory as a theology teacher, and later as department head of theology for two years. He has also taught theology and Catholic studies for University of Mary – Tempe, as well as teaching philosophy and ethics at Mesa Community College for eight years.
In addition to his classroom teaching, Steve has presented on Catholic theology, philosophy and morality for over 15 years, in a variety of venues, and has been a recurring guest on The Bishop’s Hour radio show, and Catholics Matter television show here in the diocese. He has published articles in The Catechetical Review, Crisis Magazine, and The Messenger of St. Anthony, as well as an essay on philosophy in the Catechism of the Catholic Church for a forthcoming volume of essays on the Catechism from Emmaus Academic Press.
Most importantly he is a husband, and father of five wonderful children, with one little intercessor in heaven.