2021 Cohort

Claudia Vargas


Trusting in God’s infinite providence and in our Blessed Mother’s powerful intercession, I commit to promoting a culture of life and respect for human dignity through prayer and action, by means of educating and creating awareness of morally permissive reproduction methods and techniques – according to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. Furthermore, I commit to honoring married couples struggling with infertility; to accompanying them in carrying their cross; and to assisting them in finding solutions to the spiritual, emotional, and financial burdens they experience in the challenging and sometimes lonely journey to becoming co-creators with God our Father.

Claudia Vargas2022-06-03T16:58:09+00:00

Salvador Valldeperas


The TLI program has impacted me positively both in terms of professional development and spiritual growth. I believe in the mission of TLI. As my leadership commitment I will become a facilitator for one of the national tracks of the program. I look forward to serving God through impacting other Catholic professionals and providing for them what TLI provided for me.

Salvador Valldeperas2022-06-03T16:58:15+00:00

Benjamin Ranieri


I commit to giving to, and participating in, an organization that combats sex trafficking, with the intent to join a board on this type of organization. I’ve already started. Combating this injustice is a high priority. Further, I will take leadership roles in other boards and organizations, both Catholic and secular.

Benjamin Ranieri2022-06-03T16:58:22+00:00

Augustine Payne


This Leadership Commitment is something I will try to do in thanksgiving for all that God has given to me through this TLI experience. The first gift is that I will strive to live out the call of charity in the public square more fully than before. I would like to start a podcast to talk about political issues from the Catholic perspective, or possibly becoming more involved in political campaigns. The second gift is to serve God in Finance. One concrete way will be educating myself about investing according to Catholic principles and identifying ways that the industry can grow. [...]

Augustine Payne2022-06-03T16:58:30+00:00

Leticia Ortega


My leadership commitment is to provide encouragement or affirmation to individuals I encounter to share their God given gifts and talents in society. In life discouragement is present at different stages but as a believer in Christ, I trust in Him, and He gives me hope. This hope is what I want to use for encouragement. An example is when Jesus entrusts Peter with His Church even after all his imperfections but what God cared more about was his heart. My goal is to help transform lives from a state of discouragement to encouragement for the glory of God.

Leticia Ortega2022-06-03T17:00:00+00:00

Anthony Nuccio


I commit to educating young Catholics in the beauty and truths of our shared faith by listening with an open heart, inspiring a desire to learn, and being a witness as they discover God’s love and mercy because of their innate human dignity.

Anthony Nuccio2022-06-03T17:00:06+00:00

Nathan Nasby


For my leadership commitment I aspire to make healing the political and social divisions within the Church in America a focus of my apostolate as a lay Catholic. As my experience with others has taught me, regardless of whether one chooses to vote Democrat or Republican, we all need our faith in order to navigate this world. The world, even before the pandemic, has introduced many social changes which not only contradict the Catholic faith, but the fabric of the entire society which has allowed us to work together for so long. Now it is the time to remind the faithful [...]

Nathan Nasby2022-06-03T17:00:13+00:00

Stella Ritah Nabukeera


Besides working with the teenage mothers to help them discover their inner worth, unveil the hidden potential and live out their life dreams; I am committing to helping in formation, pastoral care and mentoring of young adults that commit to full time evangelization in our Holy Trinity Covenant Community.

Stella Ritah Nabukeera2022-06-03T17:00:19+00:00

Belinda Mooney


Archbishop Jose Gomez stated: “The motive and measure in everything we do is our concern to promote the flourishing of the human person.” I will use my gift of writing both Catholic and secular materials, make presentations, and individually help people (consulting and coaching) with putting the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes into practice for a right, ordered life pleasing to God. I will help people further their prayer life by writing about the Works of Reparation through Devotion to the Holy Face, Sacred Heart and Immaculate Heart, and Praying with the Doctors of the Church.

Belinda Mooney2022-06-03T17:00:24+00:00

Sara Majkowski


My Tepeyac Leadership Goal Commitment is to author a written work evaluating the current status of Catholic education in Canada. The written work, which will be a long essay or a book, will address various aspects of Catholic education, including sacramental and spiritual life, moral formation, academic rigor and the need for boldness in speaking the truth (especially in response to modern errors). Though my plan is to comment on Canadian institutions in general, I may need to narrow the focus to the status of religious education in the province of Ontario specifically. The written work will nevertheless shed light on [...]

Sara Majkowski2022-06-03T17:00:30+00:00
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