Catholic Leadership

A Sacramental View of Professionalism in Dress


by Mari Price We have all heard the classic case for professional dress, right? It's a familiar suggestion that we take as bible truth, "dress for the job you want, not the job you have." Magazines, instagram, and blogs galore will flood you with fashion tips nauseating enough to make you want to tip the scale to the other side and reject it all. We might think it virtuous to reject what appears to be materialism, to subscribe to a "higher view" that what really counts is how productive we are, how well we do our job, how [...]

A Sacramental View of Professionalism in Dress2021-10-26T22:12:23+00:00

Work as a Service to Others


“We must be convinced therefore that work is a magnificent reality, and that it has been imposed on us as an inexorable law which, one way or another, binds everyone… It is an indispensable means which God has entrusted to us here on this earth. It is meant to fill out our days and make us sharers in God's creative power. It enables us to earn our living and, at the same time, to reap 'the fruits of eternal life'…” 1   St. Josemaria Escriva’s words challenge the common way many of us view our work. His statement is [...]

Work as a Service to Others2021-10-26T22:15:53+00:00
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