Leadership Commitments

Samson Patras


My TLI commitment is to uplift the Catholic community in Pakistan by engaging the underserved youth in remote jobs. I will launch an organization to create employment opportunities for catholic youth in the country that permits them to express their community in faith, fill a need in the labor market for US companies at more affordable wages, and improve the standard of living and quality of life for the poorest and at risk of our Pakistani Catholic community. As the organization grows, I commit a portion of the company profits to be reinvested to create high quality and foreign education opportunities. [...]

Samson Patras2022-07-06T21:38:20+00:00

Sachin Jose


I can do my part in promoting TLI on social media, especially on Twitter. Within a couple of months, I will make the TLI page reach 1000 followers. I will try to promote TLI in India and I will share about TLI to other people whom I know. I am ready to be part of the TLI team in developing social media marketing content. I am ready to offer my help in other areas too. Thank you for the great work TLI is doing for the Church.  

Sachin Jose2022-07-06T21:37:53+00:00

Riley Quinlan


My employer, Republic Services, Inc. has several employee resources groups, available company wide. Like nearly all these organizations of corporate America, these groups are rather “woke,” politically charged (in some format or another), and stem from intersectional characteristics (race, gender, sexuality, etc.). There is not yet any kind of religious group for employees to take advantage of on their own time at the workplace. This afternoon, I’ve reached out to the Diversity & Inclusion office to request the documentation required to establish an employee Christian network. The purpose of this group is to not only provide employees the information of other [...]

Riley Quinlan2022-07-06T21:36:31+00:00

Rebecca Wergin


The TLI experience has been the opportunity of a lifetime. I am deeply grateful for being selected to participate. TLI has aided me in growing more deeply in my Roman Catholic faith and as a professional serving as an adult gerontology nurse practitioner. The TLI faith leaders and cohort members were truly inspiring. As a result, I commit to becoming a TLI mentor, offering to present for TLI on human dignity, writing articles to support TLI, making efforts to recruit future TLI cohort members, and joining a Catholic healthcare professional organization.  

Rebecca Wergin2022-07-06T21:35:41+00:00

Rachel Rothans


Through the Holy Spirit, TLI inspired me to act, with my time and talent, to support the pro-life movement. I commit to becoming a missionary with Biking for Babies, to take on a long-distance cycling mission to raise awareness and funds for pregnancy resource centers nationwide to assist women and families experiencing crisis pregnancies. Additionally, I will volunteer at the Lamb of God maternity home. The home provides care to pregnant women in crisis from across the nation through housing, education, and support. I am eager to build relationships with young mothers and uphold a culture of life!  

Rachel Rothans2022-07-06T21:34:57+00:00

Peter Kersting


According to a Harvard report in 2021, 36% of all Americans—including 61% of young adults and 51% of mothers with young children—feel “serious loneliness.” With increased isolation we also see fewer examples of virtue in relationships. Many cannot recognize what true friendship looks like, let alone how to strive for it. Too many of us struggle with serious sexual addictions negatively impacting our marriages, families, and ultimately the culture. In the spirit of TLI, I want to create a platform, and ultimately a community, that puts virtue back on display, empowering others to free themselves from the shackles of sexual slavery [...]

Peter Kersting2022-07-06T21:34:17+00:00

Pedro Cadena Díaz


I, Pedro Cadena Díaz, in the presence of God, freely and willingly commit myself to put my time, treasure and talents to the service of God, the Catholic Church and all the people of God, through the faithful fulfillment of my duties as a formator. I will earnestly continue my path of professional formation and follow through with the process of writing my book "What is life about?". May this project, by God's grace, be of eternal and temporary fruits for everyone involved in it, and for everyone who will read it. Holy Mary, Queen of Apostles, pray for us.  

Pedro Cadena Díaz2022-07-06T21:32:37+00:00

Patrick Novecosky


God has given me the gift of being able to communicate well, particularly through the written word. My commitment is to write another book before the end of the year and to have it published in 2023. My first book was on Pope St. John Paul II’s legacy. This new book will focus on the legacy of his closest collaborator—Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, the man who became Pope Benedict XVI. Through these books, I will work to keep the teaching of these two men alive into the 21st century.  

Patrick Novecosky2022-07-06T21:32:08+00:00

Ossman E Padilla Monzon


I will become a better missionary disciple, father, husband, brother, son, and leader. I’ll continue to feed my soul and heart with Jesus’ love and share with others my genuine desire for a better society. My commitment is to ignite the hearts of others by serving as an example to bring them closer to Jesus and his Church. As a Catholic leader, I have the responsibility to use the values of the Church as the foundation in every single personal and professional project. I’ll serve as a volunteer for Make a Wish Arizona and look for an opportunity to serve as [...]

Ossman E Padilla Monzon2022-07-06T21:31:21+00:00

Monica O’Hearn


I deeply desire to give my life to the Lord to allow Him to use me however He wants to.  I therefore commit to putting Christ before everything else by spending time with Him each day through daily mass, adoration and praying the rosary.  I also commit to being available to serve my parish in whatever ways they could use my assistance, such as by teaching CCD or RCIA classes.  I further commit to regularly serving the poor and homeless with the Friars and Sisters of the Poor of Jesus Christ in Downtown Los Angeles.

Monica O’Hearn2022-07-06T21:29:57+00:00
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